In this post:
Box Contents

Theme decks come in a sealed box of eight: 4× Charizard decks and 4× Drednaw decks.
Each Theme Deck box contains:
- Charizard or Drednaw deckbox
- Charizard or Drednaw coin
- Pokemon TCGO code card
- Quick Start Rules booklet
- One-player playmat
- Damage counters

Charizard Theme Deck
Charizard – Deck List
Qty | Card | Type | Rarity |
1× | Charizard | Fire | Rare Holo |
1× | Charizard | Fire | Rare |
3× | Charmeleon | Fire | Uncommon |
3× | Charmander | Fire | Common |
2× | Yanmega | Grass | Rare |
3× | Yanma | Grass | Common |
2× | Magcargo | Fire | Uncommon |
3× | Slugma | Fire | Common |
2× | Sudowoodo | Fighting | Uncommon |
1× | Lugia | Colorless | Rare |
2× | Bede | Trainer / Supporter | Uncommon |
2× | Dan | Trainer / Supporter | Uncommon |
1× | Evolution Incense | Trainer / Item | Uncommon |
2× | Great Ball | Trainer / Item | Uncommon |
4× | Hop | Trainer / Supporter | Uncommon |
2× | Leon | Trainer / Supporter | Rare |
2× | Ordinary Rod | Trainer / Item | Uncommon |
2× | Professor’s Research | Trainer / Supporter | Rare |
2× | Sonia | Trainer / Supporter | Uncommon |
2× | Switch | Trainer / Item | Uncommon |
18× | Fire Energy | Fire | Energy |

Special Cards
Charizard 025/185 Cracked Ice Holo / Shattered Holo
Charizard 025/185 Non-Holo
Leon 154/185 Non-Holo version of Trainer / Supporter
The deck also contains a Non Holofoil version of Professor’s Research which was included in previous Build & Battle Boxes and Theme Decks.
Drednaw Theme Deck
Drednaw – Deck List
Qty | Card | Type | Rarity |
1× | Drednaw | Water | Rare Holo |
2× | Drednaw | Water | Rare |
3× | Chewtle | Water | Common |
2× | Samurott | Water | Rare |
3× | Dewott | Water | Uncommon |
3× | Oshawott | Water | Common |
1× | Barraskewda | Water | Rare |
3× | Arrokuda | Water | Common |
2× | Cramorant | Water | Uncommon |
2× | Wishiwashi | Water | Common |
2× | Bede | Trainer / Supporter | Uncommon |
2× | Dan | Trainer / Supporter | Uncommon |
1× | Evolution Incense | Trainer / Item | Uncommon |
2× | Great Ball | Trainer / Item | Uncommon |
4× | Hop | Trainer / Supporter | Uncommon |
3× | Nessa | Trainer / Supporter | Uncommon |
2× | Professor’s Research | Trainer / Supporter | Rare |
2× | Sonia | Trainer / Supporter | Uncommon |
2× | Switch | Trainer / Item | Uncommon |
18× | Water Energy | Water | Energy |