I bought this one on eBay. It was the first time buying from this seller. They had 17k positive feedback and very good prices. I got it for keeps with the idea that a stamped Charizard would be a good investment. After a couple of months, I was leaving feedback for my other purchases and saw that this particular seller is no longer registered on eBay and now has some negative feedback for resealed Evolutions packs. They did claim it was buyer scam and it seemed highly unlikely that a reputable seller would want to ruin their hard-earned score by selling tampered Pokemon cards. However it also meant I could not be 100% sure the box is genuine.
A closer look at the wrapping shows it is indeed very loose. That is different from prerelease cases from other Pokemon expansion and could be a sign of it being resealed.

Vivid Voltage booster boxes have this loose wrapping too. This can be due to COVID-19, higher demand and altered production process.
What’s in the Box
10 Build & Battle kits each containing a preconstructed deck with 1 of 4 promo cards and 4 booster packs.
Vivid Voltage prerelease promo cards are:
- SwSh066 Charizard
- SwSh067 Donphan
- SwSh068 Snorlax
- SwSh069 Lugia
First 2 kits proved to be authentic.

The artwork of SwSh068 Snorlax is absolutely cute. SwSh067 Dolphan is positioned as one of the stronger cards in the expansion. However Lugia would be a more preferable pull. While the most sought after card in these Build & Battle kits is SwSh066 Charizard.
And here it is! Comes straight out of the third box.

I’ll just open one more before wrapping it up. And there is another Charizard.

- SwSh066 Charizard x4
- SwSh067 Donphan x1
- SwSh068 Snorlax x2
- SwSh069 Lugia x1
4x stamped Charizards out of 8 kits! That is insane pull ratio. And a Lugia, too.
As for the booster packs, the pulls are not as impressive. Out of 32 packs opened so far, there are 8 V cards, that’s 1 out of 4 packs. And one amazing rare Raikou. No VMax.
I’ll be saving the 2 remaining sealed boxes. This box turned out to be so good that there just as well can be another Charizard and a Lugia. There also should be at least one VMax card. Amazing rare Rayquaza would be great too. But we’ll see…